What are the Benefits of Aging in Place?

  • It fosters Independence and Empowerment

  • Adults Remain Socially engaged & make contributions to Their Communities & Family

  • It is Exponentially More Affordable

  • It slows the Progression of Memory Loss

  • It allows familiarity and Comfort

  • All of this improves their physical health

    Unlike some other options, staying at home can provide you with a sense of independence and autonomy. Ultimately, the goal of aging in place is to maintain or improve your quality of life.

  • The feeling of being at home are hard to quantify, a sense of stability & familiar environment

  • Weigh your Finances, there are financial advantages to staying where you are

  • Act Early

  • Incorporate Universal Design into your Build or Remodel

  • Most homes that were adequate when they were purchased by younger adults simply aren’t designed to suit the needs of seniors

  • Add safely features